3.6m Smooth + Groove Deck Board 32x125mm

£11.62 inc VAT

Softwood decking boards can be installed for a variety of gardening and outdoor landscaping designs. Perfect for extending your living space outdoors and enjoying your garden. Our softwood decking boards are machined from high-quality joinery grade timber, ensuring they will last longer and provide an extremely high-quality finish.

our decking also has a 15-year guarantee against rot and fungal decay, subject to correct installation and treatment of cut timber.

  • Smooth one side and grooved on other
  • Finished size 119mm x 28mm
  • Green Tanalith treatment for outside use

93 in stock

SKU: RSTDA32X125-12 Category:
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    3.6m Smooth + Groove Deck Board 32x125mm

    93 in stock